Security and Compliance
Having a firm understanding of what it means to be "compliant" vs. having a strong security posture is important in order to build on a foundation that wont fold when either or both are being tested. Building a strong defense against data breach and the loss of control means establishing, maintaining and actively supporting a purposeful frontline. The days are gone when you could setup shop and use a big box solution to protect your assets. No matter what your size, industry, affiliation or sector, you need to know what you're doing and should always verify your solution with a trusted third party.

Security is something every company will generally have in place and covers networks, devices and users to ensure each adheres to a set of standards and polices to provide the most effective protection within the scope of tools deployed.

Compliance Is a detailed study of the data being handled both internally and externally as well as stored by a company. Being compliant is dependent on the company policy and framework the company has developed and will align with industry regulations for protecting and handling of data.
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The Cyber Security Crisis: Urgent And Critical Protections We Are Urging All Clients To Have In Place NOW To Protect Their Bank Accounts, Client Data, Confidential Information And Reputation From The Tsunami Of Cybercrime

It’s EXTREMELY unfair, isn’t it? Victims of all other crimes – burglary, rape, mugging, carjacking, theft – get sympathy from others. They are called “victims,” and support comes flooding in, as it should. But if your business is the victim of a cybercrime attack where YOUR client or patient data is compromised, you will NOT get such sympathy. You will be labeled careless and irresponsible. You may even be investigated and questioned about what you did to prevent this from happening.

“Not My Company… Not My People…
We’re Too Small” You Say
Don’t think you’re in danger because you’re “small” and not a big company like Experian, J.P. Morgan or Target? That you have “good” people and protections in place? That it won’t happen to you? That’s EXACTLY what cybercriminals are counting on you to believe. It makes you easy prey because you put ZERO protections in place, or grossly inadequate ones, and are leaving yourself and your company open to MASSIVE liability, MILLIONS in FINES and LOST BUSINESS, LAWSUITS, THEFT and so much more…

Just like THEY did.

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What does "pwned" mean?

The word "pwned" has origins in video game culture and is a leetspeak derivation of the word "owned", due to the proximity of the "o" and "p" keys. It's typically used to imply that someone has been controlled or compromised, for example "I was pwned in the Adobe data breach". Read more about how "pwned" went from hacker slang to the internet's favorite taunt.

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DataBreachToday is a multi-media website published by Information Security Media Group, Corp. (ISMG), a company specializing in coverage of information security, risk management, privacy and fraud. Headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, ISMG provides news, opinions, education and other related content to assist senior executives and information security professionals as they navigate the increasingly challenging world of information security. DataBreachToday provides credible, timely information that security leaders can put to use as they craft comprehensive information security strategies. These strategies are more critical than ever in light of ever-changing compliance mandates and increases in breaches and fraudulent activities.

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As a service provider, we were looking for a company to help us deliver basic and fundamental user awareness training when it came to phishing and other email attacks. We recently came across INFIMA and they hit the nail on the head!!


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